LSP4Employability: Language skills for employable graduates

LSP stands for ‘language for specific purposes’. The LSP4Employability project focuses on teaching and learning language skills to help students’ employability. It is a collaboration between 3 European universities: WSB University in Toruń, Poland; Latvia University of Life Sciences; and Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. You can find more information about the project here.

Earlier this month I attended the LSP4Emp conference in Brussels where the project results were presented. Each university presented a module that it had created for an online course. For links to the (free!) course and an excellent teacher’s manual see:

I was at the conference with Louise Kulbicki, founder of Study Legal English. We were presenting a session on Teaching English for Networking. Networking is one of the chapters in our forthcoming book, Practical English Language Skills for Lawyers: Improving Your Legal English.


TV series: The Split


Phrasal verbs